The Best Of

The Best Of Munich Syndrome Available NOW
as a download from our partners at CD BABY
After 8 albums and over 130 published songs the timing felt right for “The Best Of”, both an overview and an entry point for the electronic side of Munich Syndrome. Beginning at 2002’s “Come Out and Play (Just for a Day)” on through to 2018’s “Electro Pop (Radio Edit)”, we’ve selected the most popular tracks from each of the Munich Syndrome’s releases.
“Come Out and Play (Just for a Day)“ is the epitome of techno pop / electro pop. An exuberant fast-paced thrill-ride of a song and definitely the best opening salvo!
“Dance (Ah Eee Ya Ya Ya Ya)” became Munich Syndrome’s most popular and track upon release, and is still one of our most streamed and downloaded. Relentlessly tight dance grooves, this was EDM before they were calling it EDM.
Another track that has been a perennial favorite is “Love & Dancing (7” Mix)”, a love letter to the post-punk / new-wave bands of the late 70’s into the 80’s. The lyrics name check bands and songs from that era and features a blistering killer sax riff!
The dark horse (literally) of this compilation is “Murderous (Bad Things Vocal Mix)“. We were surprised to see this track turn up as one of our all-time streamed songs on Spotify. A very dark techno-pop, EDM track that features an 8-bit 90’s game intro it kicks into gear and doesn’t let up until the least electronic scream…